by viraadmin | Dec 8, 2020 | Uncategorized
Hey warriors! Today is the day… When we explain our epic giveaway!!! And how you can win my holiday gift basket!!! WATCH HOW!!! Inside my podcast this weekend I revealed the epic gift you can win when you join my patreon now and until Dec...
by viraadmin | Oct 6, 2020 | Uncategorized
Hey warriors! I am so excited to welcome you to my very first live concert series to celebrate the release of my cinematic-fantasy-folk-instrumental GOT inspired album!!! CLICK IMAGE TO GO TO EVENT!!! As you know all of us have been limited from live performances due...
by viraadmin | Oct 30, 2019 | Uncategorized
We got tricks and treats for y’all plenty!!! But you have to watch to the end!! 😉 Promise you will??? It is finally out!!! Our epic Halloween video!!! Check out the amazing artists I got to work with: Brigit O’Regan Darya Zonoozi Did you like it??? Please...
by viraadmin | Oct 7, 2019 | Uncategorized
Dear Iron Fiddlers! The friendly neighborhood zombie violinists have worked our butts off on this project and created an amazing treat for you and for all of our tribe!!! A month of shooting, weeks of editing… in collaboration with the awesome artists you...
by viraadmin | Jul 15, 2019 | Uncategorized
Ever since I completed my MA in Music at York University, I felt something was missing in my life… Do not get me wrong: I love my work, I love my students and clients too!!! But, the one thing missing was the sense of community; the feeling that I can turn to my...