My Key to Immortality: Tuning Your Mind into the Life of Universal Love provides the author’s thoughts on various aspects of her life with a purpose to opening the reader’s mind, as a preparation to transitioning one’s consciousness to the next level, while discovering new dimensions of life.
These simple realizations decode the “immortality”—eternal life of love and happiness. Since the realization is individual for each human being, the writer refrains from providing definitions and explanations, but rather asks questions, leading you to clues to finding your own treasure and keys to opening new doors.
Her examples and the use of language aim to free the mind of routine existence, while you discover your own path to your own immortality and eternal love.

Vira believes all things in our Universe are connected and interrelated, and that art is the universal expression of perfection.

Her unique style and music inspires many and is enjoyed internationally with her Fans spanning the globe.

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