Hey warriors!!! Today is a very special day for me, and for our band. Our own cellist Valen and a very good friend of mine is getting married!!! And guess who is playing music for the wedding!!! ME!!! 🙂 Click on the photo to see Valen’s character description:...
We Are Halfway Through Recording..!!!

We Are Halfway Through Recording..!!!

Hey warriors!!! As you know, we are recording the new Iron Fiddle track for you!!! And we are EXACTLY HALF-WAY THROUGH THE ALBUM!!! We are so excited and can’t wait to share the entire Saga with you!!! As you know, creating something that takes this much planning is...
Music Ear Training & Violin Techniques from Vira

Music Ear Training & Violin Techniques from Vira

Music Ear Training & Violin Techniques from Vira Online Music Coach automates your learning of solfege, sight-singing, ear training, improves rhythm and pitch, and provides foundation for violin technique. We help students learn and help teachers teach so that a...